Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuna Melt Without the Drama...Sign Me Up!

It's been nigh unto four months since my last blog update. While it may not seem it, it actually has been on my mind. You know when you're like, "man, I really need to call Marty" but then stuff comes up and you get distracted and before you know it, days turn to weeks which turn to months and things get awkward and you feel like it's been sooooo long since your last talk that you should now have something profound to report but you don't so you go another day without calling and then use reallllllly long sentences to justify it all? Well that's basically what I've been going through in regards to my blog post. So without further adieu, (btw I almost got 'adieu' without using the spell checker), so without further adieu, I announce to the world.....I had a tuna melt tonight for dinner and it was so stankn scrumptious.

In order to spice up this post, I leave with a not so yummy, but ever so funny, video of how a simple tuna melt can go terribly wrong. Here's to blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Dear DJ Har Har,
    That was awesome. And I'm glad "that" you're "back" in the blogging "world."
